Sunday, January 23, 2011

I'm Happy Just to Dance with You

Look who came to visit:
Tina and Gary!!!
They spent the past week with us here in Oslo. I didn't write about it while they were here, because my parents didn't raise no fool! I know better than to declare on the internet when people are away from their house for an extended period of time. I will be sure to write all about their visit in the next few days once Tina emails me her pictures. 

In other news, I read in this article that Norway is the happiest country in the world! They attribute it to highest per-capita GDP, high health care spending, trust in others, environmental beauty, and gas and oil reserves. I can tell show you why I am happy in Norway...

We bought cross country skis last week, and Saturday was our first chance to try them out. With Tina and Gary, we headed down to the lake near our apartment, and Travis tried skiing for the first time. There weren't any groomed trails on the lake and the snow was very crusty/icy. Next time we go skiing (probably tomorrow) we'll get on a groomed trail which should be easier for him. I'll let you know how it goes!

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