Yesterday was rough. My sleep schedule was all out of whack from Saturday night's karaoke intrusion, so when I went to bed on Sunday night, I couldn't sleep. I got out of bed and updated my blog. Then I went back to bed and couldn't stop obsessing over the smell in our bedroom. We hang dry our clothes in there during the day, and the moisture created a funky/mildewy smell. So I laid in bed imagining mildew and mold growing in my lungs. Then I pictured myself with bronchitis and asthma. After going back and forth to the couch a few times, I eventually fell asleep on the couch and got maybe 3-4 hours of sleep.
We spent Monday morning washing our bedding and airing out the apartment. We requested a dehumidifier from our landlord and he said he'd try to get us one. Then we went to Ikea and bought a mattress pad and other little things. After dousing everything in homemade Febreeze (water and fabric softener), our room was finally free of the funk. I slept like a baby last night!
This afternoon we made a trip to the library and yet another trip to the grocery store. There is quite a large English section at the downtown library and I usually wander around until a cover or author catches my eye. There are mostly popular American/English authors as well as "the classics" (which don't really appeal to me.) I would love to hear suggestions for good books to read!
Another problem that I've been having since moving here is motion sickness. Especially now that the weather is getting colder (about 50 degrees) the buses and trams are overheated. I usually can make it 2-3 stops before I start feeling really gross. Riding the train is better, but I still end up feeling ill at some point in the trip. I have suffered from motion sickness my entire life, but it seems to be getting worse and worse.
To end the post on a higher note, we bought Yahtzee yesterday and played a few games tonight. Travis won overall, but I will beat him next time.
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