Thursday, September 30, 2010

The Fool on the Hill

I can't give much of an explanation as to why I haven't posted recently. I guess it is because nothing particularly remarkable has happened in the last few days. I will fill you in anyway!

Travis and I woke up early on Sunday morning and hopped on the tram to go to the American Lutheran Church downtown. Unfortunately for us, it was the same morning as the Oslo Marathon and the tram's route ended short. So, instead of going to church, we watched some of the marathon then wandered back home. There was another game on Sunday (Travis was not cleared to play) and we finished the night by talking to his mom and my parents. It was the first time I'd talked to my parents since leaving, so it was great to see and hear them!

We spent most of the week bumming around. We went to the grocery store, the mall, the library, the market, etc, etc, etc. Nothing very exciting. But there is good news! Travis was finally cleared to play and played in tonight's game. He hasn't made it home yet, but I see that he had an assist. I'm looking forward to actually seeing him play on Sunday! It has been almost a year since I've seen him play in person. 

Today, we walked up the hill behind our apartment. I had walked up there two weeks ago, but without my camera. This time, I brought my flipcam, so here is a little clip:

(Holmenkollen is the ski jump, and Frognerseteren is located near the two towers.)

While Travis was gone for his game this afternoon, I went shopping. It was a fruitless excursion. I feel flustered when I am out by myself. I would have killed to have had one of my girlfriends with me! I was also disappointed in the offerings at the mall. I went to H&M first (stick with what you know, I guess) and wandered from there. Everything looked the same, and I didn't find anything I couldn't live without. 

NOTE: Travis just got home and told me he got Player of the Game for his team!


Anonymous said...

Layne, Tell me what the name of your neighborhood is. I want to look it up to see where you are.
I think you need more "have to" stuff in your life. Is there a school nearby where you could go and volunteer to help with English? I wonder if there is also some kind of American's living in Oslo group where you could meet more people. I know that son-in-law Mike meets with Wis. people who live in San Fran. They watch Packer and Brewer games together. It's hard adjustment moving to a different country. I hope you don't mind unsolicited advice. I want you to be happy in Norge! I wonder if they offer norwegian lessons somewhere close to you? I'm full of unsolicited advice, lol!
Congrats to Travis on being Player of the Game!

Anonymous said...

Oops! I didn't sign my name to the unsolicited advice. It's sent with love from Shari!

Unknown said...

yay Travis!